Human Connection


Recently, I stumbled into a sushi restaurant where all the tables, except one, were pushed together for a single party. 18 or so guys. Mid-20’s. A sea of button downs from their respective Alma Maters.

For a casual diner, it was a massive inconvenience. These guys were: 

1. Rowdy.
2. Taking up the entire place.
3. Brought their own Bluetooth speaker.

While I solemnly sit in the corner of the restaurant devouring my spicy salmon rolls, I recognize the value this activity has. The 18 person party at the restaurant allows you to gather a group of friends that know someone, through someone they kinda know, but have never hung out with outside of a group setting. 

Am I explaining a Frat? Perhaps.

I’m advocating to start the biggest possible group chat with people you kinda know. And to make plans regardless if people can attend or not.

Become the plan person. 
Be chronically outside. 
Make plans so off the wall people bail other plans. 
Human connection.

I’m inspired by the guys with the Bluetooth speaker at sushi. You know damn well that wasn’t formally planned, it just happened. That gives me hope this beautiful phenomenon can be replicated. 

So open your most used group chat, make a plan, keep it simple and maybe pack a Bluetooth speaker. I know what you're thinking… What kind of music were they playing? Punjab. Very, very loud.


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The Mood: February

