Night of Décadance

After all the bankers went home to their Connecticut homes, Park Ave was infiltrated by a legion of well dressed and well connected partygoers. You might be wondering what could bring this it-crowd above 14th street? Well of course only Blacklisted NYC’s latest party, La Décadance.

Located in the speakeasy venue (bar?) DOM, partygoers were surrounded by huge palm trees or frons (idk im not a plant expert). The drink prices were, in classic Manhattan fashion, as extravagant as the venue itself. $25 for house liquor? $150 bar minimum requested at the door?? For people like me with extraordinarily slim bank accounts, I just pregamed with cheap vodka and found my energy from the dance floor.

After dancing for a while, the crowd slowly (as every good party should) find its coolest attendees outside smoking and plotting their newest venture of the night. 

Was the price of entry too high to those unfit to combat the bouncers' requests, for sure, but that was no issue for our sly talking and unique looks. Our dear friend Spark killed it with the content, pulling out camera gadgets I have only seen in the James Bond movies. All in all a great night and we look forward to what Blacklisted has in store for the future.


La Fête Poster


Debauchery with a Dancefloor


Sexy, Sweaty, Sleazy